This is my 5th summer working for Funland. I love working at Funland because the management is great and I enjoy making sure the kids have a good time. If you are considering working at Funland I would tell you to do it! You’ll have a lot of fun while you are working.
This is my 2nd year working for Funland. I like working at Funland because the family members care so much about their employees. It is a family-friendly place and is a great environment to work in. It is very rare to find another working environment that has such a friendly management team and supervisors.
This is my 1st year working for Funland. I like working at Funland because there is always a variety in the jobs you get to do. Sometimes you work rides, sometimes you work games, and you are constantly rotating with other employees so it makes your day go by quickly. I enjoy working the games the most because you have a chance to talk to lots of different people . I love the people I work with. Everyone is so friendly. I would say that Funland has been a good working experience and I am looking forward to coming back next year!